94% of cybersecurity attacks start with an email

Increased risk

SMB’s are attractive targets for cybercriminals, as they often have weaker security measures then large enterprise. Cyber attackers view SMB’s as easy targets for quick financial gain, as well as gateways to larger organisations trading with the SMB’s.

Compliance requirements

SMB’s can be subject to regulatory requirements around data protection and security, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Weak cybersecurity measures can lead to unintentional breaches.

Limited resources

SMB’s often lack the internal expertise and resources needed to implement effective cybersecurity measures, leading to vulnerabilities in networks and systems.

Cybersecurity insurance

Is becoming increasingly common place. In principle it will protect against some of the costs of a data breach, but only if certain criteria around cybersecurity measures have been satisfied by the insured.

The latest threats

It’s difficult for SMB’s to stay abreast of the current cyber security threat landscape; to be aware of current, new and emerging threats. Failure to address, evolve protection and plan increases risk of compromise from phishing attacks, malware, and other cyber-attacks.

Incident response

How to deal with a compromise and, potentially, threats and communications from sinister actors.